Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sports Team Logo

Womens Water Polo Team - The Sirens


  1. 1) Interpret the intent of the design concept

    The design concept is great because there are lots of factors that have been added to the logo that describe the sport of Water Polo and the chosen Greek God. The colours were used in the first two logos are striking and combine well, not to mention they relate to the demographic which is women. The name ‘Sirens’ is a logical name and communicates the fact that the competitors should be warned and alarmed which is cool. The letterforms are in capital letters which gives a sense of emphasis.

    1st logo – This logo explains the concept as it shows the Siren and the ball. Although the ball seems to lack unison with the rest of the design

    2nd logo - The ball is in a better place. The logo looks more uniform and the text reinforces the name.

    3rd logo – The shapes are more simplified making it look easier to work out what each element represents, although the harp is lost.

    4th logo – The concept is clear and simple. The tail and the ball fit well into each other. The harp doesn’t represent a harp anymore!

    2) Offer constructive advice and feedback

    On first seeing the logos I was a bit confused about the harp that was in the design. Even though they “are commonly shown to be playing” the harp, and it an adds an extra factor to describe Sirens, it just adds confusion about the fact that it’s meant to be a Water Polo team and I don’t think its needed.

    With the 4th logo you explained the water to be “no longer a block of colour but an open expanse, simultaneously containing and setting free.” I think the outline of the water droplet is unnecessary as the shape of the tail and ball depict the outline of a water droplet.

  2. Mr. Thompson, I am wondering if this logo is currently being used by someone.... I manage a roller derby team and we would love to discuss it further... Please contact me at just.tandi@gmail.com
