Monday, March 22, 2010

Aboriginal Motifs

Functions and Philosophies:
Principles and Protocols

We respect the rights of indigenous people to own and control their own heritage, such as indigenous images, designs, stories and other cultural expressions.

Aknowledgement of country
Country means more than simply land to the Aboriginal people. It is the very living essence of the place, with its own past and future,

Communication, consultation and consent
Communication and consultation is important if planning to use any indigenous motifs or themes, or if planning a public piece that could be misinterpreted. The depiction of Dreamtime stories or creation beings requires consent from tribal elders.

Communication is most effective if each group:
  • is aware of the way in which their culture effects how they see an issue
  • endeavours to understand and build awareness on the other culture
  • patiently unravels misunderstandings which arise out of cultural differences
  • finds the right people in the community to consult
With regard to the process of gaining consent:
  • allow time (perhaps more than one meeting) for communication of a proposal
  • allow time for a decision to be made
  • remember that a decision will be made on other bases than the ones brought from outside the community
  • be prepared to take no for an answer
  • respect the views of all factions of a community, ensure that consent comes from the appropriate quarter for a particular activity or project.
(Australia Council - Protocols for producing Indigenous Australian visual arts)

Traitional and communally owned images
There may be requirements to consult with the traditional custodians and community members, as well as the artist for information that is communally owned ritual knowledge.
There may be more than one individual or group which claims ownership of a certain idea or image. It is advised to seek Eldership permission for any tribal or traditional designs, as well as creation stories.

Sensitive content, such as secret or sacred material or gender-based work, may require special procedures that should be ascertained first.

Geographic Diversity
Groups vary from one community to another, this includes cultural traditions and language.
It is important to make sure that the appropriate group is the one consulted.

During consultation it is important to remember that there may be a genderal difference in cultural knowledge.

Photography of Indigenous people
Indigenous people have shown alot of concern about having their images used without permission. Permission should be asked to take photographs even when at a public event, and separate permission is needed to use the image for a promotion or on the internet.

In the case that an Indigenous artist is to be collaborating with other artists or communities on a major community project, there must be consultation with the artist and their community in the initial planning phase of the project. Permission must be given before going ahead.
It is also important to discuss copyright ownership at the outset if more than one artist or community are working on a collaborative project.

Moral Rights and Issues

Protocols for producing Indigenous Australian visual arts,
Dreamings-The art of Aboriginal Australia, edited by Peter Sutton

1 comment:

  1. 11/20 Please complete the "Moral Rights and Issues" section on this blog entry. Cheers, Jane
